Program: Rise to the Occasion - Lessons Learned from the Bingham Canyon Manefay Slide Brad Ross, PhD, PE, will share his experience as technical services manager while preparing for and recovering from the largest highwall failure in mining history, including:- Why the Manefay failed - Leadership during times of crisis - How a second large failure was prevented - Innovation used to recover from the Manefay
Sponsor: GroundProbe
Include for EACH Person (badge will be printed as provided):
$31 SME Tucson members who reserve by deadline.
$39 non-members who reserve by deadline.
Add $3 to above ($34/$42) for late RSVPs if space allows.
Free for current UA mining students who are UA SME members.
Payable at the door by cash, credit card, or check payable to SME Tucson.
Cost does not include bar drinks. Cash bar is available.